Sunday, October 5, 2014

Hello Confusion

Thoughts in: L.A.

Hello again, blog. I forgot you existed until I felt the need to write again. Life's been good so far. Junior year's been pretty nice, if "nice" could really describe a semester thus far. I've been in a relationship with the guy I've been confused about since I started liking him last semester. It's been 4 months now and we're really happy. I'm just, once again, confused.

He's been every sort of loving until he does stuff or says things that suddenly change everything. Yesterday, he told me he doesn't like long and many kisses, which really caught me off guard. It made me upset and really hurt. My first relationship was a long-distance relationship and it would've been nice to be able to give him kisses while we were together. No doubt, he felt the same way. Now that I've finally got a significant other at the same place and at the same time, he throws that at me. It sucks because I do like long kisses that don't feel like just a normal peck. And it sucks that I can't even share that with my boyfriend because he "doesn't want the excitement in kisses to go away."

It's actually quite depressing really. Shouldn't the one just be absolutely crazy about you and not complain about that? If so, does that mean he's still somewhere in the world waiting to find me and treat me that way? Or am I just being overly emotional about it?

Either way, right now I just feel like I've waited 20 years just to have kisses turned down.