Saturday, September 3, 2011


Last night I tagged along with a good friend to her Kendo class! It was really cool - the setting was a mix of Japanese, Taiwanese, and British style (that's what the guy said). I took %@$&#%# photos haha! No, this isn't the complete set. :)
That's my friend over there, preparing for class.

 Probably my favorite picture out of all the ones I took. Hehe.
 Through another perspective. Taken from the outside through the window.

Class is over.

There's supposed to be 10 pictures up here but one of them refuses to be uploaded, so I'll just post it up some other time. I'm gonna upload the rest of the others tomorrow, I assume. For now, sleep! I'm beat. Well, when have I not been stressed out and tired ever since school started? The mention of school just made me remember that I have to do homework tomorrow. BOO. I need a longer weekend!!!

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